What happens after death?
What happens after death is the mind gets freed from the body, the spirit. The mind has memory and intelligence, so these two things become like a balloon. The karma, the deepest impressions form a balloon. It is like in sleep. Death is nothing but a long sleep. Before going to sleep, see the last thought that you get, and as soon as you wake up, see what is the first thought that comes. Have you noticed? It will variably be the same though. So the physical body decays and the pranic body with all the impressions forms a balloon and leaves the body and hangs around. Don’t imagine a balloon hanging around! It is a light; an energy. I will give you the best example. In a television station, they conduct a program and then they transmit it through the dish and the program remains in the atmosphere – it is the same way. When you send an email from the computer, you type all the letters and then you press the send button. What happens? It goes into the space. Does your email...