There is not much difference between a flame and life. A flame as well as life needs oxygen to exist. For a flame to exist on a wick, it needs oxygen. Similarly, for life source energy (prana) to exist in the body, oxygen is needed. If a flame is burning and you cover it with a glass container, the flame will burn till there is oxygen. Similarly, if you put a person in a room and close the windows and doors, he will live till there is Oxygen in the room. So, the mind, the soul and the life source energy are similar to the flame.

We think that the mind is in the body. How many people think so? Where is the mind? Within the body? No. This is wrong. The body is inside the mind. So, make your mind so strong that no matter what happens to the body, the light of the mind stays. Mind should remain strong. So, when we meditate, we should accept everything.

But what do we do when we sit in meditation? We keep thinking about removing this, removing that, fixing this, fixing that, and no meditation happens.

We need to remember that we are a fire.
However, some ash has accumulated over the mind. Once you blow the ash away then the fire will rise up and shine brightly.

If there are too many worries in your mind, then just say ‘Hmm’ (with slight force), and all that ash that has accumulated on the mind will be wiped off and you will feel fresh and bright.
Often we sit and worry,

‘Oh, this is not happening’, or, ‘That is not happening’. Life is such! Sometimes what you wish won’t happen; sometimes what you don’t want happens. Never mind. Don’t sit and brood over it. Move on; march ahead remembering that you are fire.

When you know you are fire, nothing can burn you. People say, ‘I am burned out. Oh, I am so tired!’ What burned out? Come on! How can anything burn fire? Move on, knowing that you are fire. Let go of the past and move happily into the future.

And take life in its totality. Some pleasant, some unpleasant experiences – all these things happen and then they go away. Knowing that ‘I have all the blessings, I have the grace, the best will happen to me’, you should move ahead.

Sri Sri ...

Jai Hind!!



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