Law of Attraction Exercises To Help You Manifest More !!

Goal setting.
First, it is important to actual set a goal. Decide in your mind that this is something you are going to accomplish. Write it down to make it more real.
Example. “By the end of this year I will be in a happy relationship”.
Talk about your dream.
After setting a goal, it helps to share it with others to send a message to the universe that you are serious about this goal and to get support of your loved ones.
Example: Tell your best friend that you are ready for a new relationship, and that you will start looking for love.

🌺Connecting to an object.
Sometimes it help to choose a small object, filled with positive energy, and carry it around to remind you of what you are trying to attract.
Example: This could be that bracelet that your friends gave you for your birthday with love, and whenever you wear it you feel attractive and happy. Decide that this bracelet will be a reminder of your goal to find love, wear it when you go out to reconnect with your confidence and determination or hold it during visualisations. (TIP: It can be any other object that represents the reality you want to manifest. Like rose quartz crystal for “love”).

🌺Emotional Freedom Techniques
You can use EFT (Tapping) to clear resistance (old blocks or limiting beliefs that contradicts your desire). The basic idea is to lightly tap your fingertips on acupuncture points while expressing positive feelings.
Example: Repeat love affirmations and reminder phrases while tapping various acupressure points on your body with your fingers.
Audio Books.
Audio books are a great way to get the information and the motivation that you need on the go. You can do other things while you get everything read out to you.
🌺Use your intention point.
Your Intention Point is basically the “meeting ground” between your heart and your mind. When you activate your Intention Point you manifest from a higher energy vibration so things come faster and easier.
Example: Balance your Intention Point to and send out a coherent message to the Universe.
🌺Live “as if”.
Start immediately living as though that reality is already yours.
Example: Buy clothes that you would wear on a date with your soul mate.

🌺Spread positivity.
Smile, laugh, say nice things to people. Be supportive. Don’t complain or get angry.
Example: Your friend met a “special someone”? Be happy for them, ask questions, make positive comments.

🌺Do random acts of kindness
Part of spreading positivity is doing random acts of kindness. Commit to doing at least one a day.
Example: Put some coins in someone else’s parking meter. Give someone a compliment. Let someone jump the queue at the bank. Hold the door open for someone.
🌺Inspirational quotes.
Read motivational quotes whenever you get a chance. They will remind you that you can achieve whatever you want.
Example: “There is never a time or place for true love. It happens accidentally, in a heartbeat, in a single flashing, throbbing moment
🌺Let go.
It is important to let the Universe do its thing. To stop obsessing about something, and worrying that it will not happen. Let it go and relax.
Example: Do not complain that you haven’t found “the one” yet, do not make every second of your life about finding a partner, continue living your life and being happy.

🌺Create a to-do list.
What steps are you going to take towards your goal? How will you be ready to seize the opportunity when the Universe sends it to you?
Example: Arrange to go out to a club or a bar with your friends. Your chances of meeting someone will be bigger than if you just stay at home.

🌺Make a wish list.
This is to help you be more specific about what you want. Sometimes we don’t get exactly what we want because we were not clear enough about it when we were sending out messages to the Universe.
Example: Make a list of qualities that you want your partner to have and what will be important to you in your relationship.
🌺Get rid of negativity.
Cut out negative people from your life. Those who are constantly in a bad mood and see life as “a glass half empty”.
Example: Have a friend who doesn’t believe in life and is always complaining that it is impossible to find a soul mate. Limit the time you spend with that person.
🌺Get rid of limiting beliefs.
Do you think that you will not be able to reach a certain goal for some reason? Try to understand why you think that. It is probably just a disempowering belief that you need to get rid of.
Example: “Perfect relationships do not exist”. Remind yourself that relationships, just like life in general, don’t have to be perfect to be amazing.
When you’re able to free yourself of the stresses and obstacles caused by disorganization, you’ve just paved a clear path to everything you want in life.
Example: Throw away old things in your house that trap a lot of negative energy, like old clothes, magazines, newspapers etc.
🌺Read more.
Read book that will help you focus on your goal and stay motivated. You can also read books about the Law of Attraction to discover the best methods of using LOA tools to attract what you want.
Example: You may want to read romance novels that will help your image yourself being in a relationship. Or you could read a Law Of Attraction book to get more tips
🌺Believe in the LOA
You need to truly believe that you can obtain the things you want in life.
Example: Do not worry that you haven’t met your soul mate, know that you will. And until then use this time to enjoy your freedom and get to know yourself outside of a relationship better.
🌺Surround yourself with people who think the same way.
Hang out with people who have the same goals as you are. And who believe in the power of the Law Of Attraction. You will exchange positive energy and support each other.
Example: Ask yourself, which will increase your chances of meeting someone:
Spending time with someone who has given up on love and doesn’t want to meet any one new..Spending time with someone who is in a relationship and doesn’t need to search for a partner..Someone who is single and is searching for love
Yes. The third one is the correct answer.
🌺Make room for what is to come in your life.
The Universe will send you what you’ve asked for, your job is to be ready to receive it and not to stand in your own way.
Example: Have you been invited to a wedding in 6 months? Ask if you can bring a +1, who knows, you may be in a relationship by then.
🌺Multi-Perspective Visualization
Do visualizations from a third person perspective, seeing yourself from the outside.
Example: Imagine what you and your partner would look like as a couple. How your friends and family would see you when they look at you.
🌺Multi-Sensory Visualization
Involve more than just your sense of sight when you’re picturing your dream life. Try to imagine what the environment smells like or if you touch objects what do they feel like under your hands?
Example: Imagine hugging or kissing your partner.


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