We Cannot be the God ....but we can be the Buddha !!!
When we think of God ...what comes in our mind ...it's MIRACLE ..
One who can do the miracles just in one touch or darshan ...
In childhood ...we are taught to become dr ..engr..MBA ..biz man ...sports etc ...
But we ever heard our parents saying that you have to become - Sai ...Samarth ...Datta ..Hanuman ...Krishna Jesus ..???
Why ???
They were also human being on the same planet, before people accepted them as a GOD !! ...
If we are child of divine than why we cannot become like our father ???
Because since childhood we are programmed ..that God is universal Power ...we can only seek his blessings ...he will guide us .
But truly divine guide us ???
If we ask ourself ...who is our God or Guru ..we may say ...Sai baba ...Samarth ..Balaji etc etc ..
But that superficial !!!
When we put alarm to wake up at 5 am ...still we snooze n sleep ...
At that time whom we followed ....our own MIND ( maan ) or God / Guru ( who always says wake up at brahmuhurat )
When we know that we shouldnt take smoking / alchohl / non veg ....whom we follow ? MIND ( maan ) or God / Guru ( who always preach to follow satvik aahar )
My dear ...
On conscious level ...we say that we are follower of this n that Guru ..
But on subconscious level , we impliment those things that our heart ( Maan ) likes ...
Buddha said ...never treat me as God ..by putting garland around me ..or doing rituals ..
I am just a simple human being like you ...who has gained mastery over human SUFFERING ...
The enemy of the person is not outside , He said ..
It's inside ..within us ...in the form of anger , lust , ego , greed & attachment ...
If we see any life issue ...we will find root cause these issues only beneath the carpet ..
If someone is getting divorced ..check the couple Ego - anger will be the root cause ..
If someone is suffering from emotional trauma ...attachmnt is root cause ..
Financial issues ...greed is main cause ( as that person is more focus on his need n want , rather than what he can give to society in the form of charitable work ) ..
Buddh means wisdom power ... intellect.
Human suffering can be 100% resolved by following simple 8 fold noble path & understanding panchshil ( 5 percepts )
Since we ignore the inner transformation n working on other external factors ...we never come out of suffering loop ..
Until n unless bottle filled by water is made empty ...we cannot fill with milk !!
Until n unless we gain freedom n control on our panchvikar ( 5 demons ) inside us ...we cannot become Buddha ..
Meditation is the fundamental base of cleansing our inner toxins ...followed by Charity & gratitude .

The Noble eightfold path showed people the way to live:

Buddhists follow a set of rules called the FIVE PRECEPTS. They are:

So ...Your journey to become Buddha & enlighten self & others begins from your own self ..
Be the pride of nation !
You are divines child ...divinity dwells in you !!
Jai Hind

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