Diwali Task - Feedback

Finally I got out of my comfort zone and completed the Diwali task. Distributed biscuits and juice to police officials at Pimple Saudagar Police Chowky and Sanghvi Traffic Branch. They were very happy to have civilians like us gift them something. They spoke to me very nicely. Unlike the usual presumption I had that they never talk properly with civilians. They asked me my name. Where I work, what do i do, etc. I told them about myself and about our center - Lama Fera International. The personnel at Sanghvi Traffic Branch were extremely happy and have invited me tomorrow to meet their Senior Officer and their entire team. Thank you so much DrSatyendra Shukla Sir for this task..
It made me come out of my comfort zone and clear the misunderstanding I had for years. Will go there tomorrow to meet their entire team.

"Men in uniform too have a heart of Gold. They are humans after all. What energy you give them, they will reflect back to you in manifold!"
Live this life to spread peace and happiness around you.

Love and light to ALL.


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